It is absolutely vital that you are correctly positioned and looking the right way, as you hurtled and spin blindly through the void for a short time. If you do not, it would really be terrible and you might be very silly, esecially if you miss some of the the events that happen to you.
This is the primary Vague Whelk socket in this quadrant. The only one probably. Where mind spouts fall all the way out, slowly and noisily, and with very very satisfying plops.
It is time to fully open your terror peepers, close your noisome queaser pipe, and prepare your cruttle hutch for some quality profounds.
For Space Blep Cats (wisdoms), Space Sloths (hope), vague Poemtries (cultures), and some general assorted celebrations within the enormous enormous void, and other typically utter complete and utter utter rubbish.
this stuff is recommended for PEOPLE only. Moths plz go to the void.
News from the burping tabloids:
We Just Cant Stop Reading About How Farm-Owning Unrepentant Flash Mob Thought About Some Coffee.
New Thoetry!
Sling your greasy horror windows around some of the new poemtries --->